This topic is near and dear to my heart. There are a ridiculous number of WordPress themes to differentiate your business on the web. In fact there are a large number of themes that include multiple personalities or templates that can make your business shine! Some are Premium (for fee). Check out this one with 200+ templates built-in – lists 10 premium (paid) themes that can set your business apart from the competition. See it here –
7 Unofficial Rules of Snapchat You Need to Follow
Snapchat can be an important tool for your business. But it requires a strategy if you want to successfully use it to engage and grow your customer base. Here are some intuitive and insightful considerations to ensure what you post has impact and meaning to your customers. Find the keys to Snapchat success here.
These 5 Startups Used Snapchat To Boost Their Brand
You know I am long on Snapchat for business. It’s not just teens who love Snapchat. Used properly Snapchat can be used for brand introduction and to help customers differentiate and investigate what makes your brand special. Here are five companies that have leveraged Snapchat. From our friends at Fast Company see how these five have used Snapchat to strengthen their brand. Your discovery starts here.