From a short video tutorial on strategies to make your social message stand out. Very elementary at times, but quite comprehensive.
Form the folks at Lifehack, a look at some key concepts about web design that influence the user experience and the success of your website. How does your website design compare with respect to these 8 web design facts?
Carol Roth provides excellent tips for maximizing the impact of 140-character Twitter interactions for your business. Read it here.
Here are 17 detailed tips on how to maximize your social media presence and impact from This is a must read if you are serious about improving your social media reach and effectiveness.
From a look at seven apps, from photo and image manipulation to messaging, that are changing the way you present yourself on social media. Read it here.
From Website Magazine we have 5 strategies for lifting your site ranking in search engines like Google and Bing and Yahoo. See it here.
From five key elements of sucessful social marketting plan for startups or established business. Find it here.
Essential tools for managing, analyzing, customizing, building community & readership, and even creating apps for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Pinterest at 18 Effective Social-Media Tools That Will Save You Time
Whether you use 140 characters or long form to tell your story here are tips to make storytelling a breeze and get your audience engaged, at