From the Instagram leaders at Later, here is a great way to kick off 2020, getting you up to speed with a wide variety of Instagram training resources – guides, videos, PDFs. Covering marketing, content, planning, trends and more. With Instagram stories templates and campaign kits. And it’s all free! […]
Instagram just keeps getting bigger in terms of users (over 500 million use it daily) and features such as posts, stories, video (IGTV). While this makes for more a wider audience it also makes it challenging to be recognized and followed. Matt Smith shares 4 basic tenants for developing an authentic […]
As Andrew Medal tells us, Instagram reported over 1 billion monthly active users last year. It currently is the most direct and vital option to position product and services. To get up to speed on Instagrams most engaging features (video, live video, stories, IGTV, etc..) check out this features rundown on […]
The folks at Wix are a go-to web site building host. But they also have a keen view of trends of importance to their customers. Especially around digital marketing. Regardless of the size of your business here is a list of 5 important digital marketing trends you would be a fool to […]
If you are a video fan or total novice, The App Institute has a comprehensive tutorial on how to build a winning YouTube channel that is geared toward small businesses. They address the inherent challenges of video marketing while providing ‘practical tips and plenty of inspiration’, and sharing engaging examples of […]
Even though Snapchat and Snapchat Stories may appear to be overshadowed by Instagram and Facebook, more teens use Snapchat than either competitor. And Snapchat leadership will likely continue to grow. If any of your products or services are suited for the 12-17 year old demographic, then Snapchat should be part […]
If your business is interested in improving the effectiveness of your Instagram marketing, you need to find and use the best Instagram tools. This post is a curation of the best Instagram for iOS apps across four essential categories: Photo editing and design, Video editing and design, Audience engagement, and Analytics and data. Most are free and the other few […]
To make the most of Instagram you should leverage tools built around Instagram what help with your organic growth, help you schedule your post for maximum impact, leverage analytics to understand what’s working best or least, edit images and video for maximum impact, and so on. Aj Agrawal at put together a […]
Technology evolves at a seemingly frenetic pace. Next year, social media is poised to create even more opportunity when a number of new tech advancements go mainstream, and as the usage patterns and adoption of various social media platforms evolve. Deep Patel shares his view of the top 10 social media trends […]