Guest Author Lance Cody-Valdez, Digital Nomad at Are you planning on changing careers and starting something new? If you want to make an impact in your personal life as well as in your community, consider starting your own small business. From conception to promotion, there are many ways your business can […]
Guest Author Lance Cody-Valdez, Digital Nomad at If you’re ready to take your career to the next level, it may be time to think about launching a small business. As a small business owner, you can hire a team of employees (or freelancers) to work for you — and […]
Instagram just keeps getting bigger in terms of users (over 500 million use it daily) and features such as posts, stories, video (IGTV). While this makes for more a wider audience it also makes it challenging to be recognized and followed. Matt Smith shares 4 basic tenants for developing an authentic […]
When it comes to reviews of your business I am sure you spend more time responding to the customer dissatisfaction issues than to the positive notices. You may be overlooking a real opportunity to understand your business if that is the case. Since happy customers are foundational for success, Brian Greenberg shares a […]
Samuel Edwards has some great ideas to gain a Digital Marketing advantage over your competition. He tells how to use video advertising, mobile access and virtual reality to always be on the cutting edge. See it here.
Essential tools for managing, analyzing, customizing, building community & readership, and even creating apps for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Pinterest at 18 Effective Social-Media Tools That Will Save You Time
Whether you use 140 characters or long form to tell your story here are tips to make storytelling a breeze and get your audience engaged, at
Use these tips to make the most out of your holiday marketing campaigns – at 4 Festive Tips for Holiday Social-Media Marketing.
Many great tips here for small-businesses. Form getting the site going to making it work for you – at “11 Foolproof Ways to Grow Your Small-Business Facebook Following” courtesy of