The folks at Wix are a go-to web site building host. But they also have a keen view of trends of importance to their customers. Especially around digital marketing. Regardless of the size of your business here is a list of 5 important digital marketing trends you would be a fool to […]
2018 saw the erosion of trust in social media brands like Facebook and Google for a variety of reasons. Not the least of which were security breaches and suspect use of personal and tracking data. Google even committed to shutter Google+ last quarter. But social media is still a major opportunity for organic business […]
This year Instagram announced ‘shoppable post’, providing a way for you to monetize and sell directly from your Instagram post. Michael C. Burke, brand manager at SelfMade, outlines what ‘shoppable’ is, how to qualify, what it will take to be successful with your product tagging and hashtags. This is a great introduction that […]
If you are a video fan or total novice, The App Institute has a comprehensive tutorial on how to build a winning YouTube channel that is geared toward small businesses. They address the inherent challenges of video marketing while providing ‘practical tips and plenty of inspiration’, and sharing engaging examples of […]
Even though Snapchat and Snapchat Stories may appear to be overshadowed by Instagram and Facebook, more teens use Snapchat than either competitor. And Snapchat leadership will likely continue to grow. If any of your products or services are suited for the 12-17 year old demographic, then Snapchat should be part […]
Instagram continues to grow and become more relevant to businesses every day. Earlier this year the folks at marketing analytics masters Hootsuite rounded up industry experts to share their Instagram predictions for 2018 and beyond. The ideas summarized are worth your time to explore, whether you already have a strong Instagram […]
If you don’t have a strategy for using social media to grow your customer base and nurture relations with your customers, then you need to start working on one. If that’s the case, or if you are struggling to get your social media marketing strategy off the ground this infographic should help […]
When it comes to reviews of your business I am sure you spend more time responding to the customer dissatisfaction issues than to the positive notices. You may be overlooking a real opportunity to understand your business if that is the case. Since happy customers are foundational for success, Brian Greenberg shares a […]
Want to know how to build a solid social media strategy? This blog post from Hootsuite is an easy to follow eight-step plan to create a winning social media strategy of your own. From setting goals aligned to your business strategy, to understanding your audience and competition, and to scheduling and evaluating […]