Small business owners need to be realistic about their advertising campaigns. By assigning the right amount of money to the right channels, you can get the results you want, or at the least, improve the results you have. Thomas Smale discusses the best strategies a takes a look at questions […]
Have you been wondering if and how Snapchat can help your business? The folks at have two articles that willhelp you decide how to enable your business with Snapchat. Check out: The Quick Guide to Using Snapchat for Business in 2016 Why Your Company Needs To Be On Snapchat Right Now
The folks at NUBLUE put together an infographic on how to optimize your e-commerce store for increasing sales conversions, and providing a more streamlined and pleasurable experience. They focus on the ‘what’ and the ‘why’ of each facet and share tips from well know industry experts. See the infographic here and the full story at NUBLUE.
Daniel Dipiazza (founder of Founder of Rich20Something) says there’s a simple blueprint for making money with an online business. It starts with a good idea and then building a an engaging website (that’s why I’m here!) and then a bit of marketing magic. Make your idea happen! See the steps here.
Facebook’s ads platform is the most powerful method of paid traffic advertising today. That said, Facebook makes constant changes to its ads platform, causing a lot of would-be advertisers to get frustrated and quit before seeing any real return from their efforts. With a few little tweaks you can get your […]
Samuel Edwards has some great ideas to gain a Digital Marketing advantage over your competition. He tells how to use video advertising, mobile access and virtual reality to always be on the cutting edge. See it here.
Ash Read at shares 11 Facebook tips, tricks, and facts with you. He shares why you get shown certain ads and which types of posts get the most engagement, to how closely connected you everyone else on the planet. Check it out here.
If you are not a social media or internet business there are some industries for your to focus on. has a focus on the hot and profitable industries to focus on if you are looking to increase your bottom line. Check out their list here.
Google demands high quality content—and since Google commands 31 percent of all web traffic—you want to be on its good side. High-quality content can also help you move beyond boosting brand awareness to inspiring clicks that turn into sales or subscribers. Follow these tips to increase social media visitors and […]