From the Instagram leaders at Later, here is a great way to kick off 2020, getting you up to speed with a wide variety of Instagram training resources – guides, videos, PDFs. Covering marketing, content, planning, trends and more. With Instagram stories templates and campaign kits. And it’s all free! […]
Hootsuite, the social media masters, have gathered some very compelling data points that should influence your Instagram marketing approach for 2019. It will inform your understanding of user demographics, marketing targets, interaction rates, how businesses use Instagram, and what kind of response you could hope to get from a successful Instagram marketing campaign. […]
As Andrew Medal tells us, Instagram reported over 1 billion monthly active users last year. It currently is the most direct and vital option to position product and services. To get up to speed on Instagrams most engaging features (video, live video, stories, IGTV, etc..) check out this features rundown on […]
The folks at Wix are a go-to web site building host. But they also have a keen view of trends of importance to their customers. Especially around digital marketing. Regardless of the size of your business here is a list of 5 important digital marketing trends you would be a fool to […]
2018 saw the erosion of trust in social media brands like Facebook and Google for a variety of reasons. Not the least of which were security breaches and suspect use of personal and tracking data. Google even committed to shutter Google+ last quarter. But social media is still a major opportunity for organic business […]