Guest Author, Amy Collett, Owner and Branding Specialist at We all want our businesses to grow and thrive. In the digital world, this means having a website that caters to our current clients and can easily scale to accommodate new ones. With the following tips, you can keep growth in mind […]
Guest Author Lance Cody-Valdez, Digital Nomad at If you’re a small business, you may have already heard the statistics that there are nearly 3 million apps on the Google Play store and just less than two million available via Apple. Considering that 88 percent of our mobile usage consists of time […]
Guest Author, Chelsea Lamb, Resident Tech Specialist of Many would-be entrepreneurs have spent the last year dreaming up an idea, or maybe even putting in the early planning work, only to have the pandemic throw the plan off course. However, it’s not as cut and dry as it might […]
Guest Author, Chelsea Lamb, Resident Tech Specialist of Are you preparing to guide your small business into the next chapter of success? Or, maybe you’re opening the first chapter for your startup? No matter where your business may be on the ladders of success, having the right tools, tech, […]
From the Instagram leaders at Later, here is a great way to kick off 2020, getting you up to speed with a wide variety of Instagram training resources – guides, videos, PDFs. Covering marketing, content, planning, trends and more. With Instagram stories templates and campaign kits. And it’s all free! […]
With all the focus on boosting posts, or buying ads to expand the reach of your marketing, sometimes it pays to think outside the ‘ad’ box. There are many organic ways to grow your brand and increase recognition essentially for free. And that can be very important for a small […]
2018 saw the erosion of trust in social media brands like Facebook and Google for a variety of reasons. Not the least of which were security breaches and suspect use of personal and tracking data. Google even committed to shutter Google+ last quarter. But social media is still a major opportunity for organic business […]
This year Instagram announced ‘shoppable post’, providing a way for you to monetize and sell directly from your Instagram post. Michael C. Burke, brand manager at SelfMade, outlines what ‘shoppable’ is, how to qualify, what it will take to be successful with your product tagging and hashtags. This is a great introduction that […]
If you don’t have a strategy for using social media to grow your customer base and nurture relations with your customers, then you need to start working on one. If that’s the case, or if you are struggling to get your social media marketing strategy off the ground this infographic should help […]