If you don’t have a Facebook business page, or a website, or have not connected your business to Google and the other search giants, here are some basic tips and reasons for taking some economical, yet very rewarding, first steps. Find the details here and call BSN for a free consultation. It’s […]
There’s a modern-day misconception that SEO success can only be achieved through a combination of technical proficiency and extensive experience. This simply isn’t true. This article from entrepreneur.com tells you how to get the best search results for your website. In short, the happier your users are when they visit your […]
From entrepreneur.com come reasons why rapid changes in social media and new trends in consumer behavior online is challenging the importance of traditional SEO measures. Find it here.
From their book, Start Your Own Business, the staff of Entrepreneur Media Inc. in this excerpt describe three key ways you can attract more visitors to your website. Find it here.
Today Google rolled out changes to its search rankings. Google now prioritizes ‘mobile-friendly’ websites. You can test your site to see if Google considers it mobile-friendly at the Mobile-Friendly Test page. If your site is not mobile friendly you might want to give us a call at 312-412-5613 to help answer your […]
From entrepreneur.com a look at 3 key ways to maximize your retail efforts through social marketing. Find it here.
From Website Magazine we have 5 strategies for lifting your site ranking in search engines like Google and Bing and Yahoo. See it here.