This year Instagram announced ‘shoppable post’, providing a way for you to monetize and sell directly from your Instagram post. Michael C. Burke, brand manager at SelfMade, outlines what ‘shoppable’ is, how to qualify, what it will take to be successful with your product tagging and hashtags. This is a great introduction that […]
Even though Snapchat and Snapchat Stories may appear to be overshadowed by Instagram and Facebook, more teens use Snapchat than either competitor. And Snapchat leadership will likely continue to grow. If any of your products or services are suited for the 12-17 year old demographic, then Snapchat should be part […]
If your business is interested in improving the effectiveness of your Instagram marketing, you need to find and use the best Instagram tools. This post is a curation of the best Instagram for iOS apps across four essential categories: Photo editing and design, Video editing and design, Audience engagement, and Analytics and data. Most are free and the other few […]
If you want to make your job easier and be more effective and efficient, you need the best tools. Here is a great blog post with over 20 tools to make you a Facebook superstar. The focus is comprehensive, including areas such as analytics, learning, writing, editing, creating video, design and photo, […]
To make the most of Instagram you should leverage tools built around Instagram what help with your organic growth, help you schedule your post for maximum impact, leverage analytics to understand what’s working best or least, edit images and video for maximum impact, and so on. Aj Agrawal at put together a […]
Facebook ads help you to hyper-target consumers, across all devices, right where they are focused. There are 3 simple rules, born out by trend data, that will help your business get the best bang for the buck. Chris Smith, co-Founder of Curaytor, lays these essential steps out for you here.
From a look at seven apps, from photo and image manipulation to messaging, that are changing the way you present yourself on social media. Read it here.