R.L. Adams, founder of wanderlustworker.com has a compelling and detailed article to help you make the most from Facebook ads. He provides a little history then teaches how to craft your message, build the ad and use masterful sales techniques to reach your prospect and support an ongoing transactional relationship. Find it here […]
paid search
Small business owners need to be realistic about their advertising campaigns. By assigning the right amount of money to the right channels, you can get the results you want, or at the least, improve the results you have. Thomas Smale discusses the best strategies a takes a look at questions […]
Facebook can be your best avenue for mass marketing sales with the highest ROI. But only if you know how to use it effectively. Kim Walsh-Phillips of The Elite Digital Group explains how to use Facebook demographics, interests and behavior data with techniques like A/B testing to refine your target segment for maximal results. […]
Here are a number of great ideas to expand or kick-start your digital marketing in 2016. No matter what you are doing now to increase your customer base or social outreach you will find more than one great, and often no-cost or supremely economical, ideas to grow your brand, engage […]
From entrepreneur.com come reasons why rapid changes in social media and new trends in consumer behavior online is challenging the importance of traditional SEO measures. Find it here.
From their book, Start Your Own Business, the staff of Entrepreneur Media Inc. in this excerpt describe three key ways you can attract more visitors to your website. Find it here.