It’s the time of year to organize our social-media tools, adding new tools that can be game-changers in terms of how effective a platform is for certain strategic objectives. Here are 20 recommended social-media tools to add to your game plan, if you don’t have them already. Find the story here.
Nancy from iDigic has some excellent insights on how to leverage Instagram for your business. Her story and links below will help increase your sales, traffic and brand awareness. Instagram is for businesses – but that isn’t the point. Are you able to drive leads using Instagram? That’s what matters, at […]
Facebook can be your best avenue for mass marketing sales with the highest ROI. But only if you know how to use it effectively. Kim Walsh-Phillips of The Elite Digital Group explains how to use Facebook demographics, interests and behavior data with techniques like A/B testing to refine your target segment for maximal results. […]
Need to spice up your website? See if you are incorporating these hot design trends from 2015. And if you see something interesting that you would like to explore, give us a call. Thanks to Danny Wong and our friends at Find the story here. has a fabulous round up of the 20 best tools for creating a wide array of infographic types. The perfect resource for beginners and experienced info graphic artists. Find the tools list here.
Christopher Hann at relays the 3 most important elements of any business web site. It’s not rocket science, but how does your site measure up to all three essential elements? Find them here.
Here is the Ultimate Social Media Template Guide from the folks at ShortStack. In addition to detailed templates for Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn page layouts, they offer some awesome Post Tips that really help your posts stand out from the crowd. See how easy it is to leverage specific tips for each […]
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then adding imagery to your twitter, or other social message will really up the impact factor. One of the best resources for developing a system of visual sharing is the template provided by HubSpot. Their free template download gives you 30 rectangular and 30 […]
The colors, fonts and imagery you use for your logo all say something about your business. Check out this infographic from Colourfast to get a sense of whether your logo is conveying the right message for your business. See how your logo compares to some iconic logos and what it could be saying to your […]