Be careful when your hosting provider or site builder or marketing consultant tells you that they have an SEO silver bullet to get you to the top of the search results. Things like buying links, using link farms and back links can put you in the penalty box if you […]
If you have any kind of storefront business it is critical that you have a verified Google My Business account. It ensures that your customers can find your business, its location, website and reviews. If you Google your business and you see it on the right side of the […]
Google is focusing intensely on mobile use. They now have a mobile index that will affect how your search engine results appear. In essence your site is now crawled as a mobile user and desktop user. John Lincoln, the CEO of Ignite Visibility, discusses the mobile-first strategy and its implication […]
Need to spice up your website? See if you are incorporating these hot design trends from 2015. And if you see something interesting that you would like to explore, give us a call. Thanks to Danny Wong and our friends at Find the story here.
The PR Newswire’s Small Business PR Toolkit has three ideas for content creation that other sites or journalists can leverage, that don’t cost much to produce but are still high in entertainment and engagement value. Find it here.
The folks at have made a comprehensive and easy to follow infographic that can help you develop or streamline your checkout process. It’s all about sales conversions and providing an easy and pleasant experience for your customers. Want to know the perfect process? Find it here. And check out their blog for […]
Christopher Hann at relays the 3 most important elements of any business web site. It’s not rocket science, but how does your site measure up to all three essential elements? Find them here.
You should keep you social media profiles up to date. There are lots of great social media image size templates out there. The one that is always current and my favorite overall is this resource from Sprout Social, which lists the ideal image sizes for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, YouTube, and Tumblr. What […]
There’s a modern-day misconception that SEO success can only be achieved through a combination of technical proficiency and extensive experience. This simply isn’t true. This article from tells you how to get the best search results for your website. In short, the happier your users are when they visit your […]