From the Instagram leaders at Later, here is a great way to kick off 2020, getting you up to speed with a wide variety of Instagram training resources – guides, videos, PDFs. Covering marketing, content, planning, trends and more. With Instagram stories templates and campaign kits. And it’s all free! […]
Instagram just keeps getting bigger in terms of users (over 500 million use it daily) and features such as posts, stories, video (IGTV). While this makes for more a wider audience it also makes it challenging to be recognized and followed. Matt Smith shares 4 basic tenants for developing an authentic […]
As Andrew Medal tells us, Instagram reported over 1 billion monthly active users last year. It currently is the most direct and vital option to position product and services. To get up to speed on Instagrams most engaging features (video, live video, stories, IGTV, etc..) check out this features rundown on […]
If you are only using one or two social media platforms you are missing an opportunity to make new customers and engage existing ones. Facebook is massive, but Instagram is the hottest social network going. And who hasn’t read a tweet recently? Each social platform offers advantages in terms of demographics, marketing […]
This year Instagram announced ‘shoppable post’, providing a way for you to monetize and sell directly from your Instagram post. Michael C. Burke, brand manager at SelfMade, outlines what ‘shoppable’ is, how to qualify, what it will take to be successful with your product tagging and hashtags. This is a great introduction that […]
Instagram continues to grow and become more relevant to businesses every day. Earlier this year the folks at marketing analytics masters Hootsuite rounded up industry experts to share their Instagram predictions for 2018 and beyond. The ideas summarized are worth your time to explore, whether you already have a strong Instagram […]
If your business is interested in improving the effectiveness of your Instagram marketing, you need to find and use the best Instagram tools. This post is a curation of the best Instagram for iOS apps across four essential categories: Photo editing and design, Video editing and design, Audience engagement, and Analytics and data. Most are free and the other few […]
When it comes to promoting your brand or product social media cannot be ignored. Instagram, one of the world’s most popular social media platforms, is a great way to spread awareness about what you are selling, and one of the best ways to get viewed on Instagram is to purchase […]
Hootsuite has a written a blog post that every Instagram user should read. It’s a virtual tutorial on how to manage every aspect of your Instagram account and interaction. From general topics like adding and managing multiple accounts, to dealing with social media to trolls, to tips on photo and video sharing, […]