The colors, fonts and imagery you use for your logo all say something about your business. Check out this infographic from Colourfast to get a sense of whether your logo is conveying the right message for your business. See how your logo compares to some iconic logos and what it could be saying to your […]
The folks at Fast Code Design came up with a graphic poster you can purchase which is a simplified guide to picking the right type face for your site or post. Check it out here.
Today Google rolled out changes to its search rankings. Google now prioritizes ‘mobile-friendly’ websites. You can test your site to see if Google considers it mobile-friendly at the Mobile-Friendly Test page. If your site is not mobile friendly you might want to give us a call at 312-412-5613 to help answer your […]
Excellent infographic highlighting design trends for 2015 from the folks at Coastal Creative Reprographics. See big styles that swept the industry this year, as well as a look at what’s coming next. Find it here.
Form the folks at Lifehack, a look at some key concepts about web design that influence the user experience and the success of your website. How does your website design compare with respect to these 8 web design facts?