When it comes to reviews of your business I am sure you spend more time responding to the customer dissatisfaction issues than to the positive notices. You may be overlooking a real opportunity to understand your business if that is the case. Since happy customers are foundational for success, Brian Greenberg shares a […]
customer service
If you are a freelancer or thinking about stepping out to freelance in today’s gig economy, check out this article from personalbrandingblog.com. Fourteen very successful entrepreneurs share tips that helped set their brand apart and attract more business. It’s a diverse collection of thoughts that should stimulate your thinking about to best engage your […]
If you have an e-commerce site and you are looking for the most effective social media tools to supercharge your sales, the folks at Floship have 10 great tips that break down the ‘how, what, and why’ of driving increased sales using social media. Check out these best practices here.
On October 12 at noon EDT Entrepeneaur.com is hosting a webinar titled ‘How to Use Customer Service as a Marketing Tool’. This webinar will highlight some of the best tools to create brand loyalty by leveraging your customer experience data. You can Register Here to learn the latest trends in capturing data from […]
You don’t have to spend a lot to keep your company’s social media presence up. And with help from Facebook and Google, keeping your reputation up to snuff has become easier. Currently, there is a big focus on reputation management by these two big players. If you want to be noticed […]
Here are six tips, from a best practices survey by SiteJabber that will help you increase your brand success with your customers. Whether you have had to deal with a bad online review, or just want to increase your stickiness with your best customers there are tips here to help your […]