Guest Author, Amy Collett, Owner and Branding Specialist at We all want our businesses to grow and thrive. In the digital world, this means having a website that caters to our current clients and can easily scale to accommodate new ones. With the following tips, you can keep growth in mind […]
From the Instagram leaders at Later, here is a great way to kick off 2020, getting you up to speed with a wide variety of Instagram training resources – guides, videos, PDFs. Covering marketing, content, planning, trends and more. With Instagram stories templates and campaign kits. And it’s all free! […]
Instagram continues to grow and become more relevant to businesses every day. Earlier this year the folks at marketing analytics masters Hootsuite rounded up industry experts to share their Instagram predictions for 2018 and beyond. The ideas summarized are worth your time to explore, whether you already have a strong Instagram […]
Hootsuite has a written a blog post that every Instagram user should read. It’s a virtual tutorial on how to manage every aspect of your Instagram account and interaction. From general topics like adding and managing multiple accounts, to dealing with social media to trolls, to tips on photo and video sharing, […]
The folks at Hootsuite have been delivering the finest social media marketing and management tools for years. They know an effective tool when they see one. In this blog post, they highlight a number of first and third part tools worth your investigation. From analytics to lead identification to competitive analysis and image manipulation, […]
If you are a freelancer or thinking about stepping out to freelance in today’s gig economy, check out this article from Fourteen very successful entrepreneurs share tips that helped set their brand apart and attract more business. It’s a diverse collection of thoughts that should stimulate your thinking about to best engage your […]
If you use it well social media can be the most cost-effective tool to generate sales and build relationships with your target audience. The folks at ran an article by Aaron von Frank that offers tips on building a plan for a strong social media relationship – the key to your social media marketing being […]
Want to build a larger audience and brand awareness? If you want to use mobile to build and expand your brand, then Instagram is a top tool to use. And it can help direct visitors to your website and other online properties. Susan Gilbert has a few great tips to help you […]
To make the most of Instagram you should leverage tools built around Instagram what help with your organic growth, help you schedule your post for maximum impact, leverage analytics to understand what’s working best or least, edit images and video for maximum impact, and so on. Aj Agrawal at put together a […]