A great argument for tracking time and costs for the betterment of your organization. http://jlayersconsulting.com/welcome-to-thinking-doing-where-does-the-time-go/
175 posts
Visit Wayne’s Power+Formula for some of the best LinkedIN analysis and tips on the web. Like the infographic below. Via: PowerFormula for Linkedin Success
It also features a powerful infographic on how LinkedIn users benefit and use the site. http://www.forbes.com/sites/cherylsnappconner/2013/10/27/five-linkedin-strategies-you-havent-thought-of-before
Thanks for stopping by. I just put this site together – in less than a day. It’s a testament to the flexibility and robust nature of WordPress. And it is the first time I’ve worked with this particular theme. If you are interested in a flexible web site […]